The Real Art Ways exhibition
The Shadow Show
will be featured in a artists talk at E32 in New York City next week.
When: Tuesday, January 15.
from 8-10 PM
About E32: E32 is an artists' talk and projection series that takes place
very 3rd 2sday
of the month, 8pm, at 5C Cultural Center Lounge, 68 Avenue C, at 5th street and C
F/V train to 2nd Ave/Walk East on Houston toward Ave C/Left on Ave C to 5th St.
No cover charge – free will donation.
More here
About the Shadow Show:
Sixteen artists, many from Providence, Rhode Island, and others from Connecticut and New York explore a range of associations with the word and idea of "shadow." Included will be work in which physical shadows either play an integral part, or the ideas of shadow, as in tail, trace, surveillance, mystery, memory and longing, are explored. The exhibition will work on multiple levels, addressing visual mystery, but also hidden systems in society. Includes painting, sculpture, video, new media, installation. Curated by Kristina Newman-Scott and Elizabeth Keithline
We got a review in the New York Times over the weekend: